targeting Success: 3 Practical Tips to Find the Right Online Audience for Your Restaurant

As a restaurant owner, you’re always set to find your target audience. From your marketing research up to your social media campaigns, they are the ones that you need to please. Every business decision you make should consider your target audience.

But how to know you’re targeting and working with the right audience for you? Is your research enough to identify the right set of the customer base for your restaurant? And is finding physical target audiences the same as the ones online?

For a business staple, there seem to be a lot of unanswered questions. Knowing how crucial this element is in a business, you should know how to look for the perfect set of customers. After all, you would like to avoid investing in a campaign that won’t deliver results. 

There’s always an intended market for every product or service. And it’s frustrating on your part if you can’t find the ideal group for your business. But worry not as this article will help you find your way to your market. 

The internet can be intimidating. The process of navigating through it can feel overwhelming. That is why we have compiled the easiest and most efficient ways to find your target market online.

Online Target Audience for Restaurants 

Marketing segmentation Marketing segmentation, target market, target audience, customers care, customer relationship management (CRM), human resources recruit and customer analysis concepts, bokeh in background."n target audience stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
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High traffic online is a good thing, but if it’s not helping with your conversion, then you might want to reconsider your online strategy. To make the most out of your digital marketing campaigns, you must deliver them directly to your primary customers. 

What is the purpose of identifying your target audience?

Being an entrepreneur makes you familiar with terms such as target market and audience. While they’re almost the same, they’re not the same thing. A target market is a large group of people who share the same characteristics and purchasing behavior. 

Those characteristics are the ones that you target with your business and marketing strategies. In terms of the target audience, this is a subgroup of the target market, consisting of a specific segment of the larger target market. 

Identifying your target market is the first step in marketing your business to the right audience. You can then decide where to put your efforts. Find your target market with these easy tips.

  • Check out your competitors’ target market. Most likely you have the same target market. 
  • Search for common purchasing behaviors within your customer base.
  • Use your data as a basis to identify demographic information about your intended audience

The next step is to refine your strategy after pinpointing your target market. Segmenting target markets is the answer. Marketing segmentation is a strategy for targeting specific segments within your target market with more relevant marketing content. Segmentation is usually categorized into four types:

Pie chart composed of people Pie chart composed of people.
Created with adobe illustrator. customer segmentation stock illustrations
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Segmenting your customer base using their demographic details such as age, income level, gender, and the like. Observe your customers well and be aware of the patterns that you’ll notice. 


This is the segmenting type that is based on the psychological factors of your customers. Take a look into their social status, interests, hobbies, lifestyle, and daily activities. 


Targeting people according to their geographic location is the focus of this segment. In terms of geography, local, state, regional, and national are common. 


Audiences are created from interactions between the users of your brand and the brands they interact with. In an email campaign, you can attempt to recover customers who haven’t visited your website back in a month.

With targeted marketing, you can maximize your customer retention and spend your marketing budget efficiently. In segmentation, you are only targeting audiences who have specific interests in the information you offer. Your subscribers will become tired of receiving content they don’t need if you send it to your entire contact list. 

How To Find The Right Audience For You Online?

Here are practical ways you can use to find your intended audience online. 

Build your ideal customer

There’s a common denominator to your regular customers. Find out what are the characteristics that they’re sharing and create a customer profile or buyer person. Essentially, this is a statement about how you will describe your targeted demographic.


Would you say that the majority of your potential customers are millennials or more probably middle-aged? Understanding this is important since different age groups will react differently to the design and marketing of your product.


How your audience responds to your message may depend on the kinds of products you sell. In general, the specific needs and goals of the sexes differ markedly. Unless you address these differences, your marketing campaigns could be less effective.

Status of income

You should base your marketing plans primarily on collecting information about your customers’ disposable income. Products and services that help low-income families save money may appeal to them. A marketing strategy that emphasizes exclusivity and luxury may appeal more to persons with higher incomes.

Geographical location

In general, urban citizens often have different purchasing habits than people who live in the countryside. People’s buying preferences are affected by where they live and the type of community they live in.

Targeted Mobile Marketing (Mixed-sex) | New Business Concept Business concept illustration of a female mobile marketer making shout-out to the targeted mixed-sex audience. target market stock illustrations
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Analyze the market

Primary or secondary market research can tell you a lot about your target audience. Here are some of the methods you can utilize to learn more about your customers.

Online Surveys

Use paper-based surveys, e-mails, or browser-based surveys to reach potential customers. Direct feedback from your customers can be gathered through surveys. Then, you can use that feedback in your next marketing campaign by asking them about previous services and campaigns they liked.


You should contact individuals with who your small business will resonate and whose purchasing habits coincide with yours. As a result, your marketing campaigns will receive real-time feedback rather than survey results.

Having insight from current customers is an important method of improving your business. The mentioned methods can be applied to clients to better understand and serve them.

Target Audience keywords with icons Target Audience chart with keywords and icons. Flat design with long shadows customer segmentation stock illustrations
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Use your customer’s existing data

You can easily find your target audience if you’ll use the data you gathered from your CRM and Google Analytics. These are the tools that can help you gain useful insights about your customers, as is your takeaway ordering app.

They capture the essential data that will help you to create informed business decisions. You can also learn which social media platforms they’re using mostly. Analytics and tools related to social media audiences have proven their worth. You can determine which analytic tools to invest in by knowing which social media platforms your audience uses.

Through Facebook Analytics, you can gain insight into your audience’s demographics and interests. A follower dashboard is also available on Twitter ads that show more information about your followers’ interests. 

In addition to helping you pinpoint your target audience, these analytics will also help you create a proper strategy for creating content that will engage audiences the most.